Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
25740 John R Rd. In Madison Heights, MI
How much is a workshop?
Upholstery Workshops are $75 a class. Classes are 3 hours long and are offered currently 3 days a week. Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm-9pm, and Saturday mornings 10am-1pm. Students MUST be registered in advance in order to attend.
Do I need to have any prior experience?
Nope! Absolutely none. We can work with students who have never touched a tool or sewing machine, or more advanced students who are just looking for the space and tools needed to complete their ongoing projects. Each class works with multilevel experiences simultaneously, so you are bound to pick up skills that aren't even necessary to completing the piece you came in with.
Will I be able to finish my chair in one class?
Not likely. The amount of time it will take to finish a piece depends entirely on the student and the complexity of your project. Some pieces may only take a few, but some could take as many as 8 or more. Each student is assigned homework that is designed to help limit the amount of time they would need to be in the studio. We suggest bringing in your piece completely stripped to make the most of your studio time. Here is a great instructional video on how to properly strip your piece down. Fortunately, soon we will also offer virtual tutorials available through our Patreon page. Students and viewers can subscribe here for supplemental content as well as ask questions about any project they may be working on for video replies and instructions.
Can I leave my piece at the studio in between workshops? Or do I have to take it home every time?
Unfortunately we do not have enough space to accommodate student projects for storage. You will need to transport your chair to and from every class. In addition, you will need your project on hand to complete homework assignments.
What does the workshop include?
Workshops include hands on instruction and access to the space and tools needed to complete your project. See workshop description for more details. Students will need to provide their own materials, but can be ordered at wholesale prices when ordering through LullCo.
Can I bring a friend to help?
Absolutely, but every student must be paid and registered prior to sign up. We do not allow friends to help for free.
Will I need my own tools?
Nope! We provide all of the tools you will need while working on your piece in-studio. We do however provide links and wholesale access to everything you need should you decide to invest for yourself.
Can I cancel a class?
Yes! However, we do not currently offer refunds. You can reschedule your time or donate it to a friend.